Notifications / Email on select events
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Approval of changes and notifications
Дмитрий Иодловский
Our team really lacks notifications and approval of changes to publications when working together. I can just keep personal notes in any notebook. Only a large team can do something powerful enough. And to do this, it is vital and necessary to be able to coordinate any changes to pages where I am the page author or the author of the changes. And I need to notify me that I have to agree on something: by email, via telegram, or somewhere else.
Дмитрий Иодловский
I hope for a quick answer.
Felix Rückert
Dear Wiki Team, when will this function be available to us, more precisely when can we expect the function to arrive?
Felicitas Pohl
@wiki.js developers: Can you give us a current status of that idea? We need these notifications also.
Tom Orr
Yup, this is the one feature preventing us implementing this for a company wide wiki. groups needs to get notified of updates to pages.
Andy Marden
Yes - yes yes - every other proper wiki has this and it is essential
This would facilitate the setup of an editing system, i.e. if I define a specific user per page, a "content owner" who makes sure that edits are factually correct.
N. T.
This is a good idea. Additionally, it will be also good to add watcher option to wiki pages. Watching a page would mean the same what is requested here, getting an email to user when content on a page changes.
Max Wavé
Yup, we need notifications ASAP. Would be so useful for me trying to build a community run wiki.... I have to keep an eye on what folks are doing!
Massive +1 request
Nicolas Giard
Merged in a post:
Send an email when a comment is added
Alexander Evans
When someone adds a comment to a page can an email be sent out?
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