Hi everyone and requarks team,
We have just tested a few Wiki-likes.
WikiJS got is on top of our most appreciated opensource framework because it fits our requirement. (Docker/ACL/LDAP)
WikiJS is good because it provide a smart integration with Git and it handles tree structure, LDAP Docker, and ACL.
There is another one, really good Wiki like, called BookStack, but unfortunately, they miss categories (which literally kill their app for large-scale documentations), and they do not have a tree structure, also their ACL doesn't permit much.
However, I have a few feature request comparison I would like to purpose, and a few come from them:
Major missing features
  1. Copy image and paste in markdown
  2. ability to do draw, BookStackApp implemented it with https://github.com/jgraph/drawio/ (It is directly in the app, and pretty powerful for writing specification in the browser, it's all HTML5.).
Minor missing features
  1. Comments to article.
  2. We can link files in markdown but we can't attach files to the article without adding links in the markdown documentation.
  3. Customize the banner with a Logo
  4. Markdown editor from BookStack has a live and pure markdown editor mode that I prefer, but that's personal opinion.
I would like to know if it's on requarks roadmap at some point.
Particular attention to drawio. which literally is a very useful gadget.