Show the current page's child pages in the left nav
Currently, the left side-bar shows (among other things) the sub-sections of the current page. It would be super handy if it also showed the child pages. Similar to when you go to "All pages" and you're able to "walk" through the tree. Without the list of child pages, unless you link to them explicitly from another page, you could easily forget that content exists.
Oliver Lockwood
See for a separate ticket which describes the same problem. I'll comment on there also.
Oliver Lockwood
Nicolas Giard this is marked as Complete, added in 2.3, but I can't see it working as I would expect either on my local site (running 2.4) or on the Wiki JS online docs.
For example:
- has child pages like,
- from either of the children, the left side-bar shows each other and all the siblings (under "Current Directory"), as well as the parent doc (see first screenshot)
- from the parent, the left side-bar shows the siblings of the parent, but not the children (unless you explicitly open the Authentication folder, i.e. your current location again, which is non-intuitive) (see second screenshot)
Nicolas Giard
Added in 2.3.
Nicolas Giard
under review
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