Sidebar Navigation Permissions
Includes this an option to hide the navigation sidebar for certain groups? Or is this only on navigation item level?
Nicolas Giard
Added in 2.3
Joel DeTeves
EDIT: I just found it - I didn't realize it was individual (per-menu) item basis. It would be nice if we could set this globally for the Guest group i.e. 'hide / show nav bar'
Nicolas Giard: I am on 2.5 - I am looking in the settings; where can I find this feature?
I envisage this effectively negating the need to have separate wiki instances. Information architecture is hard!
Asif Salam
Hoping to see this feature soon in wiki.js
Szczepan Zaskalski
Nicolas Giard How is a progress on this feature?
Have you any planned release date for version 2.1 ?
Nicolas Giard
Szczepan Zaskalski:
Szczepan Zaskalski
Nicolas Giard: So at the end of January 2020, I can get and start to use ver. 2.1?
Nicolas Giard
in progress
Jeremy COPIN
Hello, it would be great to have this feature. It will very helpful to our team (many users splitted in completely isolated projects). Thank you
Julien Taverne
Hi, i'm also interrested by this feature. In fact we have more than hundred users and we really need to assign users to navigation in order to hide them some others navigation levels. Can you please tell me when you planned this one. Thank you in advance, best regards.
Андрей NeTan
Very need this function
Nicolas Giard
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